Hormuud: Leading Somalia’s digital evolution

For the last twenty years, Hormuud has contributed significantly to Somalia’s growth and development. Following the civil war, our business established itself as a leading advocate and supporter within the community.

Somalias’s first telecom operator

As the nation’s first telecom operator, we built vital infrastructure that pathed the way for enhanced connectivity. Where two decades ago, just 1% of the Somalian population had access to phones, today, nine out of ten Somalis own a mobile phone, and 70% of the population is connected to a telephone network.

In our mission to promote financial inclusion and drive economic empowerment, Hormuud attained Somalia’s first-ever mobile money licence through EVC Plus. Mobile money has since played a crucial role in the nation’s progress.

Hormuud CEO

What began with 98% of counterfeit shillings and widely inaccessible banking systems 20 years ago; has been transformed into a nation with 70% of mobile money penetration. Now, only 6% of the population uses cash, and Hormuud continues to push the country towards being the second African country to achieve 100% financial inclusion. One day, I hope we will become Africa’s first cashless society.

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  3. Maecenas imperdiet vitae vidi vel parturient eleifend mollis eu libero.
  4. Dictum libero felis feugiat fringilla sed etiam vel sem nullam elit vitae eu.
  5. Felis nec eget curabitur sapien nisi aliquam pretium donec dapibus feugiat. Faucibus enim venenatis mus semper.